2025 Ministry Theme 事工主題: 愛中建立自己
梁德舜牧師 出生於馬來西亞芙蓉市,十五歲重生得救、受浸加入馬來西亞芙蓉浸信教會,十六歲蒙召、獻身作傳道事工, 廿五歲 ( 1970 ) 畢業於香港浸信會神學院, 廿九歲 ( 1974 ) 於香港大埔浸信教會按立為基督教浸信會牧師
現任: 美加華人浸信會聯會聯絡大使
美國德州糖城恩典華人浸信會顧問牧師 ( 1/2009 至今 )
義務工作: 德州休士頓亞裔傳道人反罪惡委員會主席 ( 1/2008 至今 )
全球華人浸信會宣教促進會執行委員 ( 2010 至今 )
香港浸信會出版社 ( 國際 ) 有限公司董事 ( 2010 至今 )
曾任: 香港大埔浸信會會牧 ( 6/1970-8/1985 )
香港浸信會聯會署理總幹事 ( 1982-1984 )
香港浸信會神學院教會行政教授 ( 1983-1984 )
美國德州休士頓西南華人浸信會會牧 (8/1985-10/2008
德州浸信會聯會行政委員 ( 2005-2010 )
美加華人浸信會聯會會長 ( 2008-2012 )
美加華人浸信會聯會署理總幹事 ( 1/2011-10/2012 )
梁牧師除牧養教會逾四十年外,積極參與本地及海外教會事工; 足遍歐、亞、非洲、南美洲、太平洋地區等達五十個國家。 經常應邀擔任佈道、培靈及差傳等聚會,主持執事、教牧同工, 退修會等講道事奉。
Rev Peter Huen was born in Malaysia. He grew up in Singapore. A member of Queenstown Baptist church in Singapore. Served as Deacon of the church for many years until he was called to full time ministry. At age 49, he graduated from Southwestern Baptist Theogical Seminary in Fort Worth Tx.
Married with two adult daughters; wife: Grace.
Ministry: • Pastor of Eternal Life BC;Beaumont Chinese BC;
• Had many years of mission work among the minority UPG;
• Now retired and serves at Grace Chinese Baptist Church.
Pastor Nora was born in Hong Kong and came to know Christ in her teenager years. She was baptized in Southwest Chinese Baptist Church, Stafford, in 1987. God called her in her mid-twenties and she responded to the calling many years later. She graduated from the Truett Seminary of Baylor University, Waco, Texas, with a Master of Divinity (M. Div) degree in 2009. She has been serving as the Pastor of Grace Chinese Baptist Church since then.
2025 Schedule
NASB - Ephesians 4:16
from whom the whole body, being fitted and held together by what every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love.
和合本 - 以 弗 所 書 4:16
全 身 都 靠 他 聯 絡 得 合 式 , 百 節 各 按 各 職 , 照 著 各 體 的 功 用 彼 此 相 助 , 便 叫 身 體 漸 漸 增 長 , 在 愛 中 建 立 自 己 。