2024 Ministry Theme 事工主題: 進步年



Church Council 2024

Jackson Leung


Bonnie Leung

Fellowship Committee

Mary Yeung

Finance & Personnel Committee

Chris Kwok

Historical Committee

William Wu

Outreach/Mission Committee

Timothy Ma

Worship Committee


Caring & Visitation Committee

Peggy Man

General Business & Hospitality Committee

Home > About us > Church Council

Church Calendar

2024 Schedule

Jan 1, 2024 - Dec 31, 2024


2024 Theme Verse

NASB - Hebrews 6:1
Therefore leaving the elementary teaching about the Christ, let us press on to maturity.

和合本 - 希伯來書 6:1
所 以 , 我 們 應 當 離 開 基 督 道 理 的 開 端 , 竭 力 進 到 完 全 的 地 步。

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Phone: 832-382-3316

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