2024 Ministry Theme 事工主題: 進步年




Word of Life

"For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart." (Hebrews 4:12, NIV)

It is our blessing to come freely to the house of the Lord and listen to His word every Sunday. By knowing more about God through His word, we are to become more like Christ and to fulfill our mission on the earth.

2024 Sermon Information

Date Topic Speaker Sermon Note Bulletin
  Jun 23 聖哉!聖哉!聖哉! Rev. Peter Leong            PDF      PDF
  Jun 16 用信心與行動回應天父 Pastor Nora Kwok            PDF      PDF
  Jun 09 滿足在基督裡 Pastor Nora Kwok            PDF      PDF
  Jun 02 用我血所立的新約 Rev. Peter Leong            PDF      PDF
  May 26 將心歸我 Rev. Samuel Law            PDF      PDF
  May 19 裝滿了十二個籃子 Rev. Peter Leong            PDF      PDF
  May 12 藉著禱告完成不可能的任務 Pastor Nora Kwok            PDF      PDF
  May 05 誰比你大?誰是你主? Pastor Nora Kwok            PDF      PDF
  Apr 28 那管是最後一次 Pastor Nora Kwok            PDF      PDF
  Apr 21 忠心完成神交託的使命 Pastor Nora Kwok            PDF      PDF
  Apr 14 以馬忤斯路上 Rev. Peter Leong            PDF      PDF
  Apr 07 你給耶穌打幾分? Pastor Andrew Tong            PDF      PDF
  Mar 31      -----         -----             -----      PDF
  Mar 24 耶穌洗門徒的腳 Rev. Peter Leong            PDF      PDF
  Mar 17 你要怎樣對待耶穌? Rev. Peter Leong            PDF      PDF
  Mar 10 信徒之光—亞居拉百基拉 Rev. Peter Leong            PDF      PDF
  Mar 03 讓我們繼續相信神的帶領 Pastor Nora Kwok            PDF      PDF
  Feb 25 務要認識耶和華 Rev. Peter Leong            PDF      PDF
  Feb 18 繼續去愛 Pastor Nora Kwok            PDF      PDF
  Feb 11 新年長智慧 Pastor Nora Kwok            PDF      PDF
  Feb 04 棄舊迎新進步年(第二講) Rev. Peter Leong            PDF      PDF
  Jan 28 憑著信心跟隨神 Pastor Nora Kwok            PDF      PDF
  Jan 21 建基在磐石上,行上對的路 Pastor Nora Kwok            PDF      PDF
  Jan 14 改變的決心 Pastor Nora Kwok            PDF      PDF
  Jan 07 棄舊迎新進步年 Rev. Peter Leong            PDF      PDF

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Church Calendar

2024 Schedule

Jan 1, 2024 - Dec 31, 2024


2024 Theme Verse

NASB - Hebrews 6:1
Therefore leaving the elementary teaching about the Christ, let us press on to maturity.

和合本 - 希伯來書 6:1
所 以 , 我 們 應 當 離 開 基 督 道 理 的 開 端 , 竭 力 進 到 完 全 的 地 步。

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Phone: 832-382-3316

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